Borne from the traditions of the Elves, humans have developed some mastery and knowledge of tapping the hidden energies of the multiverse.
Wizardry and Sorcery were more widespread in the pagan days before Tarim's Ascension 4700 years ago; terrible, chaotic days. The Church proscribes the proper study and practice of Magick these days. Each Archdiocese is empowered to charter and oversee a Spelling Guild, as well as call for the Papal Inquisition to investigate any inappropriate magickal activity.
The COLLEGIA INFINITUM was established formally in the coastal city of Marienburg some time after Tarim's Ascension; the city controlled the trade routes with the Driscoll Dwarves who have provided rare gems and minerals since the dawn of humanity. Great wealth enabled intellectual curiosity to flourish; ancient poems and crafts were codified; the ends of Estarcia were explored; and grand artifacts forged, celebrating the power and glory of Tarim, of course.
WATER and CRYSTAL PRISMS diffracting light is one metaphor the Collegia uses to describe the ARTS OF MAGICK:
![]() | Symbol | First Spelling | |
Divinata (Divination) - the Art of Observation | TRUTH, the sun | Detect Magic | |
Abjurata (Abjuration) - the Art of Defense | CLOSED, a barred door | Alarm | |
Conjurata (Conjuration) - the Art of Calling Forth | LIGHT, an open door | Grease | |
Transmutata (Transmutation) - the Art of Change (self: Mutata; another: Variata) | BODY, a bull's head CHANGE, a ram and bull | Mage Hand | |
Evocare (Evocation) - the Art of Projection | OPENED, a starburst | Arcane Arrow | |
Encantare (Enchantment) - the Art of Manipulation | MIND, an open eye | Beguile | |
Ludare (Illusion) - the Art of Deception | LIES, the moon | Light | |
Antitheare (Antithemancy) - the Art of Entropy | DARK, a gravestone | Chill Touch |
Each Art has a method of Casting:
TRANSMUTATA is considered a single Art at the Collegia, even though the Casting Methods for Mutata and Variata are different. This dual nature of some Magicks occurs throughout the Wizard's craft, for example the reversible Spelling Light/Dark.
Trimester System, 12 weeks in Fall, Winter (+ Yule Break), Spring; Summers off. Tuition: 70 days x 5GP/day = 350 GP x 2 semesters x 7 years = 4900 GP ~100k silver; LAB FEES: 2^Level * 100 GP / SPELL (2^L * 10 milliquintessence)
A talented Prospectus would arrive (a month) early and attempt to schedule a Placement Examination, per-Subject; the Exam takes all day (9-12 & 1-4), so scheduling is a trick on its own.
Twelve Subjects available. Mandatory "Quadra Practica": Telesma ✡, Miscēre ♋, Scribēre ♈, Theorie ♣: 3 hours lecture/week
Artis: 2 hours of lectures/week + 2 hours of labs
Typical courseload: 4x Artis = 16 hours + 4x Practica = 12 hours == 28 hours in classes
Heavy courseload: 6x Artis == 36 hours in classes
Perfecta: 8x Artis == 44 hours in classes; just under 9 hours/day, 5 days/week!
"P-Levels" Examinata - Each of the Twelve Subjects has a 5th-Year Final, which is largely the point of going to the Ludum Prima in the first place. Student's Transcriptum lists each completed Subject with the Grade-Word. Must get 'A' or 'B' to enter the Ludum Secundus in that Subject.
A "Prestidigitator" has gotten 'C' or better in all Four Practica and at least one Art; this is the 1st Level of Wizardry. Most Prestidigitators drop out at this point, with only one spell (per Art; higher grades would indicate bonus spells learned) and a few cantrips. The student receives a separate Certificate, reading "Prestidigitator (Magister/Exceptum/none)" based on LOWEST score.
Although coursework is heavy, there are many Student Organisations, Societies, Teams, Groups, and Clubs sponsored by the upper Schola.
Most only take 1-2 Arts plus the Four Practica; 8 + 12 = 20 hours in classes
Practicum Initium - Each Practicum has a final Project, equivalent to an Architecture Presentation, intended to demonstrate mastery of the Practicum.
Thesis Initium - Each Art has its own final demonstration, earning the successful student the title of "Apprentice" + ("Abjurer", "Conjuror", "Diviner", "Enchanter", "Evoker", "Illusionist", "Transmuter", ("Antithemancer" is discouraged)), plus a Star for A or B work. 2nd Level of Wizardry.
Diploma - 'C's or better in Quadra Practica plus one or more Apprentisa.
Each Art administers its own studies programs. Classes are taught in the Schola Antitheare, but due to political and religious considerations, only a Minor is offered.
Semester System: Fall (Sept, Oct, Nov + Dec Exams) and Spring (Feb, March, April + May Exams); 14 weeks each semester = 70 days x 20GP/day = 1400 GP = 28000s Tuition/Semester.
126 hours for the Degree Program: Artis Majora (A), (upper Majora) (U), Quadra Practica (Q), Practica (P), Ex Artis (x), (upper ex artis) (u), Artis Minora (a)
The 3rd Level of Wizardry, "Diurnus"="Journeyman", ie, "earns a day's pay"
Students compete to receive a Fellow-Apprenticeship: attach to a Professor in their Artis, campus job, close ties, etc.
Masters: 32 hours; 1-4 Ex Artis courses, 6-9 Majora courses + 2 labs. "4th Level Wizardry" age 23. "Maester"; position Professor, "Professes Knowledge"
Doctorate: 32 hrs, plus 2-4 semesters of Recherche Majora for Dissertation and 2+ Published Papers. "5th Level Wizardry" age 26 "Doctoro"; position Docent, "Teaching"
TOURING FAIRS draw those with means to hire a Journeyman Wizard for their Court.
COURT GRANT - the Collegia arranges and awards Court Wizard positions; the Collegia receives a Grant and the Wizard receives a Stipend. These positions, commensurate with rank and reputation, have a strict hierarchy at each level of the Collegia. Only the wealthiest, most ambitious Guarantor-Lords take on both a Senior and Junior Wizard; the Senior tends to their research more than performs Spelling duty.
The Church forbids Unsanctioned Magicks, ostensibly requiring penance from both the caster and the Nobility commissioning the Spell.
JOURNEYMAN WIZARDS without a position, an apprenticeship, tutorage, or court appointment, are called WANDERS, ie, "a Marien-Wander", "a Zari-Wander".
APPRENTICE WIZARDS without position are deigned as Tricksters or Hedges.
MASTER WIZARDS keep to themselves, as to not attract the Inquisition.
Consequently, the Spelling Guild Halls tend to disrepair, attended by Hedges & Wanders looking for work. Wizards can find work as tutors at a much lower salary than Court Stipends, if their temperment is suitable.
CATHEDRALS have at least two schools, for primary (Nuns & Friars) and secondary (Priests) education. Primary education is provided at Abbeys as well. Priests determine whether a student has sufficient talent for the Collegia Infinitum. Tuition is fairly modest for the upper-middle class, 10s/month, 30s/semester, 60s/yr primary, double secondary.
ARCHBISHOPS of a territory provide the Spelling Guild Charters which permit Mages to operate in society. The PAPAL INQUISITION is a group of trained Deacon-Prelates who have also gone through the Collegia; in theory they defer to the local Spelling Guild for initial consultation.
WANDS are Charms-for-Others: a relic of a time when Talismans were not codified as now. Rarely made, even rarer to find.
RODS are primarily made for Qin mages with the wealthiest patrons, due to the expense and time required. Jeweled sword scabbards are all the rage.
STAVES are grown from seed and tended daily by the mage. Twenty years growth before harvesting, drying, enspelling. Elves can wait for the longest staves.
TALISMANS (Charms) are built from mystically resonant materials. The finer the materials, the more magickal stress the Charm can handle. Diamonds, especially clear "white", are particularly powerful conductants. Some of the basic materials for each Artis Schola, used in Fizzix and Talisman construction:
Reagent | Source, Preparation | Type | Art |
Garlic | (Common herb), steamed 500:1 | Golden oil | Abjurata |
Ginseng | Kun Ming, Mikram; boiled 200:1 | Dark syrup | Encantare |
Blood Moss | (under bark of dead old trees); drops of caster’s blood | Red paste | Divinata |
Black Pearl | Southern Isles; perfect spheres crushed | Black powder | Conjurata |
Spider Silk | Albino Weavers (upper Fransylvania); preserved in Lead Sugar | Crystal spool | Ludare |
Nightcap | Texaco, (foul swamps); spores mashed | Purple paste | Antitheare |
Sulfurous Ash | (volcanoes); “twice-burned” | Yellow powder | Evocare |
Mandrake | Pict Marsh; fresh, gossamer heart only, boiled, waxed jar | Fibrous puff | Transmutata |
See also Talisman Construction